Welcome to GEMM – Igniting Entrepreneurship for a Purposeful Tomorrow!

Are you a millennial with a burning desire to shape the future through entrepreneurial ventures? Look no further, because Global Emerging Market Manager (GEMM) is your ultimate catalyst for launching or funding businesses that embody innovation and purpose. At GEMM, we specialize in nurturing the aspirations of young entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, guiding them towards success on a global scale.

Unleash Your Potential

In a world fueled by innovation and driven by purpose, carving your niche as an entrepreneur demands more than just a spark of inspiration – it requires strategic guidance and unwavering support. That’s precisely what GEMM is here to provide. We are not just a service; we are your partners in transforming entrepreneurial dreams into reality. Our platform is tailored to empower millennials like you by connecting you to a dynamic network of mentors, peers, and investors who share your passion for purpose-driven business.

Navigating Your Entrepreneurial Journey

Launching or funding a business is a journey that demands resilience, insight, and collaboration. GEMM’s suite of services is meticulously crafted to equip you with the tools and connections needed to thrive:

  • Mentorship Network: Tap into the wisdom of seasoned entrepreneurs who have blazed trails of innovation. Our mentorship network offers invaluable guidance and hands-on knowledge to navigate challenges and seize opportunities.

  • Peer Collaboration: Collaborate with fellow visionaries from across the globe. Share ideas, exchange experiences, and build a community of innovation that transcends borders.

  • Investor Engagement: Secure the resources to bring your entrepreneurial dreams to fruition. Leverage our investor connections to fund your ventures and make a lasting impact.

Preliminary Review Process Checklist: Your Gateway to Entrepreneurial Triumph

Embarking on your entrepreneurial journey with GEMM begins with a streamlined preliminary review process. This checklist serves as your roadmap to initiate business plans and capital expansion for your existing or new ventures:

  • Business Proposal: Present a comprehensive overview of your business endeavor, including funding requirements, purpose, and proposed repayment terms.

  • Financial Insights: Share your business’s financial statements and Form 4506 to provide a snapshot of your financial standing and support your funding request.

  • Business Tax Returns: Offer insights into your financial history by submitting your business tax returns for the past three years.

  • Accountant-Prepared Statements: Include professionally prepared financial statements from the past three years to illustrate your business’s financial health.

  • Interim Financial Status: Highlight your financial position over the last three months.

  • Personal Financial Snapshot: Provide a recent, signed personal financial statement.

  • Personal Tax Returns: Submit personal tax returns for the last three years for all owners with a minimum 20% interest in the company.

  • Projected Financials: Showcase your business’s projected monthly Profit and Loss Statement for the current year and the next three, along with underlying assumptions.

  • Debt Overview: Detail your existing debts and obligations.

  • Lease or Mortgage Documentation: Include relevant lease or mortgage agreements.

  • Ensure Compliance: All tax returns and financial statements must be appropriately signed and dated.

Powered by Daniel, Russell, Charles and Company

GEMM is proudly backed and endorsed by our parent organization, Daniel, Russell, Charles and Company. They stand as a foremost provider of business consulting and planning solutions, focusing on finance, employee benefits, and pioneering entrepreneurial strategies.